With my exams starting on May 4th and ending on May 6th, you can see that i'm rather stressed out with studying. XD. Now i'm focusing on my Accounting paper, which is on Thursday (tomorrow). Going through all the past year questions and practising as much as i can. This should be the hardest subject i'm taking in this semester. >.<. The other two subjects are Business Law and Macroeconomics which are quite okay. Well, i'm not planning on sleeping until midnight tonight. lol. Yes, i really want to get a distinction for all my subjects, especially Accounting. Although, i'm now very fluent with the subjects already, i still believe that constant revision will always pay off in the end. ^_^. So there you have it. Now i gotta get back to studying... Just can't wait for my exams to be over which is on Saturday, then on Saturday night planning a gaming session with Rusty and Existenz. Something to release stress and relax after some serious brain exercise. >.<
Omg, looks at your text book =.=" all those words...
Gambate dude!
thanks dude! ^_^
i guess stress/overwork got the best of me. i got food poisoning today and cant go for today's exam. =.=''
wasted all my time to study.
but anyways 2moro got another exam. cant wait! XD
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