Finals are over and I’m back in the office again. So, what do someone with the job title “bosses son” do in the office? Here’s a sneak peak on my average day in the office.
7.30 morning.
After a light breakfast of bread and butter with a nice warm milk tea, and flipping through the dailies (the comic section is compulsory to be read), it’s time to work. My daily 30 minute drive will take me 20km from my sweet sweet home in PJ to the chinese dominated capital outskirts of Kepong.

8.30 morning.
The good thing about staying in PJ and working in Kepong is that I’m going against the flow of traffic. Traffic out of Kepong and Sri Damansara is always at a bumper to bumper crawl while I enjoy an easy flowing traffic which permits me to cruise at 90kmh without stopping or at times speed and weave through traffic like a madman. Once arrived, my work begins. As you can see, I’ve loaded stocks into my dad’s MPV ready for the delivery of goods (which was ready on the previous day). So, you can say that I’m a delivery guy. Most delivery takes place before lunch because staff are always in to receive the goods.

12 noon.
Lunch time. Nothing much can be said here other than showing what I had for lunch. Fish head noodles (Yi Tau Mai) is one of my favorite. The lousy thing about this dish is that it’s filling for the moment but wouldn’t last till dinner.

1 noon.
Study time? No, it’s just some material that I need to read for my forthcoming project. Yes, the company do have projects and one of them involves steel chamber and high atmospheric pressure. So, there’s lots of homework and research to be done beforehand. Personally speaking, I’m not too keen as it’s something not even attempted before by any local manufacturer. Secondly, if the project sails, I’m going to be technical supervisor which will require me to baby-sit the project before, during and after commission of the project. Shh… don’t tell my boss.
Basically my work continues till 5.30pm with no breaks in between. Sometimes till 6.30 if there’s over time. On non project days, my work basically comprise of tools fabrication using CAD/CAM software and also basic web designing for the company.
w00t. got newspaper pics some more. lolz.
now i know more of what you do. XD
finally a food pic from u. w00sh. the yi-tau-mai. looks quite small compared to the one you ate near Pro-Extreme last time. doesn't look like can even last til tea-time at 3.30pm (my tea-time. lolz). if til dinner, i think... =.=''
btw, the Star news paper u have in the pic. talk about figurine. ahha. no wonder u snapped it. =p
Hehe.. the yi-tau-mai looks small because of the plastic bowl. the serving is quite decent, though i got to admit that the one near Pro-Extreme IS better in taste.
yeah, the news paper was chosen that way because of the article in Section 2 about military figures. still, i prefer looking at pictures of them then actually reading about the hobby because nothing much can be said other than "men with dolls" :P
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