Sunday, June 04, 2006
Bestari 206, test driven
Okay, let me begin.
I took 2 friends together to test drive the car because I want to see how it handles with a full load of 4 adults. The course was pretty simple, down the LDP towards KDU from Kelana Jaya and then making a U turn at KDU back to the show room. Traffic was surprisingly heavy for a Sunday which leaves little room to speed, yet alone weave through traffic.
The most noticible thing about this car is the stability and the stiffness of the suspension. riding over pot holes is no fun at all with this car, but once on the highway, the pot hole encounter is easily fortotten. The stering wheel is very responsive though stiffer as compared to cars like the Savvy. However, there's one encounter when I fish tailed the car no thanks to a Wish over taking from the left when I was changing lane to the left. I was like WTF!?!? A car with ABS fish tailed? I've driven dangerously with a 99' Kembara, 00' AD Resort and 05' Savvy and yet never fish tailed before. Maybe i'm not ready for ABS just yet.
Engine performance wise was horrible. With a load of 4 adults, the car respond dutifully when i drive like any other 40 year old uncle ferrying their children to tution. But i'm not a 40 year old uncle. So, i floored the accelerator and was surprised to the lack of power. The RPM meter climed very slowly and that wasn't even at standstill but at a cruise speed of 60km/h. Maybe it's because i haven't set it to triptronic mode, but for older automatic cars, it would downshift when it registers lack of torque. Also could be due to the wide gear ratio since it's a 4 speed gear box. In short, if you are not planning to race with this car, it's an ok buy for the 70k price tag, but if you wanted more, then it's definitely not worth it.
As for the interior, it's down to personal preference. I liked most of the part except for the radio display and the big-red-button hazard light. other than that, it's quite comfortable at the driver seat with height adjustable, reclining semi bucket seat and a full black interior for a person who like black like me.a
I've left my name for a second evaluation, this time it's for the manual version. hope that it's better than the current model.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
'SHOW'ing the 'ROOM

Ok so i was up to cleaning up my desk area. Wires everywhere. ZZZ. OMG have to clean up the mess left here by some previous peeps.
And so i did. Even did some 'partitioning' ala 'marc style' for the drawers. Whoahahhahaha. Yea! =p

Besides that, there's also some arrangement of speakers to be loaded onto a trolley to be transported away.. (WTH?!?!!) Yeah. Someone's gotta do the dirty job. =.='' So like myself, i just CRAMMED every damn speaker box onto the trolley so that everything can be moved one shot.. TA-DA!

Now, that concludes Part 1 of my workplace. WAHAHA. Just bored. My brain is rotting here (DUH). Don't know what to do. Going off to the toilet now. Been drinking 2L of water here everyday due to boredom. o.0 AHAH
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Daily ride, the weekend garbage truck
Here’s what my car looked like when packed to the brim. I’d take picture of the recycling center however I was stopped by thug looking workers there. Thinking that I’m a competitor or something.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Torn between two
My wrist has been pretty bare since my cheap Rolex knock off broke. It’s not that the automatic mechanism fail, but the strap just gave way. Now, after a year without a watch and a bulging wallet that needs to loose some weight, I’ve decided to accessorize myself once again.
Yesterday I was at 1 U (again) getting a replacement clear case cover for my K750i and I’ve noticed a shop which was having sales for Seiko watches. For some design the discount is up to RM100. Not a bad deal since it’s a timeless design, but it’s the name Seiko which gives me a second thought. I’m a sucker for big brand names. Though I’m not fancy of owning any Nike or Reebok, but when coming to watches, I still prefer Swatch most. Both Seiko and Swatch do have aluminum strap watch which is kinetic powered and has date setting. The price difference between the two is RM200. The Seiko which was on promotion is RM198 while Swatch Irony series of similar design and function is sold at RM400 at the showroom and there’s no discount for Swatch watches in all the shops in 1 U.
In the end, I ended up buying nothing because I don’t believe in spending RM400 for a single watch. If it was paired, then I might consider.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
1/6 AK47 from Red Horse

Wow, look what just came in today. A pair of customized AK47.

Such a big box for two guns? what a waste of space. Well, at least they took good care of the guns by wrapping it in lots of bubble wrap.

Oh, crap, it's broken !

The very thing that I've should've done first, consult the instruction manual.
I've manage to purchace a pair of customized AKs manufactured by Red Horse from my regular store at XL-Shop. Judging from the pictures at the internet and the XL forum, it looked good. But pictures could be decieving. Here's reasons why these guns don't worth RM98 for both.
Some assembly required.
When I notice that the scope wouldn't attach to the rifle, I knew something was wrong. After flipping through the instruction manual, only i realize that it need to be glued (note the blood drop icon on the lower left of each picture in the manual). WTH do i need glue for 1/6 military stuff? I'm not playing with Gundam. If compared to other 1/6 weapons like Dragon make and bbi, all gluing and assembly of weapons are done at the factory and not the user.
Is it 21C?
Frankly speaking, i'm disappointed at the build of these rifles. It's moulded as a one piece with additional addons. If you are clueless what i'm talking about, take a look at 21st Century or Hasbro GI Joe and you'd get the idea. Although the quality for a one piece weapon looks much better than 21C and Hasbro, yet it's no excuse not to follow the foot steps of Dragon which utilized multiple pieces and parts to make it look as real as possible especially when i'm paying almost to a hundred ringgit for this most hyped weapon set.
They could've given more
At RM50 a piece, that's amost double the price for a loose weapon salvaged from boxed figures. Even the rare Dragon G36 don't even cost that much. If Red Horse have improved in the quality of the rifle and strap (i can't believe they use cheapo strap that comes loose) then i might accepted it, but since they did a shitty job, it can only be compensated if it came in a set of 5 rifles instead of just 2.
And the irony is that i've already paid for the 50 caliber bereta sniper rifle which is due for collection on Tuesday. Hope that one don't sux that bad or else i'd really boycot Red Horse.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Taking a break
Last Wednesday my uni pals and I took some time off (well, actually finals is over so we are bored) at 1 U shopping complex. Nothing much can be said about that other than I’ve blogged about it in my Friendster blog. To maintain my anonymity I shall not post the url here. I believe that shock and existenz already have the url, so do check if out if you are interested. There are photos too.
Being vegetarian..for awhile. XD
Let's get on with the food. XD
Mixed Salad (salad leaves, lettuce, cabbage, and many more, etc.).
Dressed with

- olive oil
- grounded fresh black pepper & sesame seed
- lemon juice
- mustard
- eggs (some times if there are some cravings)
- meat like chicken bits (usually if in the mood for garden salad)
- cheese!
- some spices
Taste: I find it excellent especially when you're in the mood for some really fresh food! LOL. Not only is it mouth-watering, you also feel very healty when you eat it. Fresh veggie! Oh yeah. Makes you think being a vegetarian ain't such a bad idea after all. ^_^
Well, that's just one of it that i feel like posting right now. XD Now gotta get back to work. Ciaoz!
Phone-cameras. Purposely limited?

Even the upcoming Sony Ericsson K800i with the Cyber-Shot branding also has this dumb limitation on the built-in Xenon flash. The specifications for it are good, 3.2MP cam, Best-Pic feature, and software image-stabilization. BUT, For the flash, only 'Auto' and 'Off' mode are available, there's no way to force the flash and the flash only fires in really dark conditions. HELLO?? What the heck is this? Come on. With a Cyber-Shot brand name on the K800i, everyone would have expected more. Not to mention more that the K800i's Xenon-Flash light output (based on K800i reviews) is WEAKER than the MXE-60 for the K750i. So now what? Another stupid limitation made so that nobody can own a phone with proper digital camera functions and a decent BRIGHT flash?
Comparison... The K750i is worth keeping for me compared to upgrading to the K800i. A properly lighted and exposed picture will beat the heck out of any poorly-lit higher-megapixel picture anytime. Now what can be hoped for in the next Cyber-Shot Sony Ericsson phone would be to have a proper Xenon-Flash that is BRIGHT and FORCEABLE. Come on. A camera-phone is still a camera-phone. A Sony Cybershot digital camera (with superior lenses, larger sensors, adjustable controls) won't lose much sales because of it ok.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
It was a special moment for me that I took that time to count my blessings and especially thank my friends for being there for me. Yes, it's another emo and eleborate way of saying I did mass SMS spaming an hour past midnight when everyone else was sleeping. ^_^ Except for Shockk who was burning midnight oil for this exams today.
Wish you the best dude.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
In the heat of exams

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
A day at work with Rusty

Finals are over and I’m back in the office again. So, what do someone with the job title “bosses son” do in the office? Here’s a sneak peak on my average day in the office.
7.30 morning.
After a light breakfast of bread and butter with a nice warm milk tea, and flipping through the dailies (the comic section is compulsory to be read), it’s time to work. My daily 30 minute drive will take me 20km from my sweet sweet home in PJ to the chinese dominated capital outskirts of Kepong.

8.30 morning.
The good thing about staying in PJ and working in Kepong is that I’m going against the flow of traffic. Traffic out of Kepong and Sri Damansara is always at a bumper to bumper crawl while I enjoy an easy flowing traffic which permits me to cruise at 90kmh without stopping or at times speed and weave through traffic like a madman. Once arrived, my work begins. As you can see, I’ve loaded stocks into my dad’s MPV ready for the delivery of goods (which was ready on the previous day). So, you can say that I’m a delivery guy. Most delivery takes place before lunch because staff are always in to receive the goods.

12 noon.
Lunch time. Nothing much can be said here other than showing what I had for lunch. Fish head noodles (Yi Tau Mai) is one of my favorite. The lousy thing about this dish is that it’s filling for the moment but wouldn’t last till dinner.

1 noon.
Study time? No, it’s just some material that I need to read for my forthcoming project. Yes, the company do have projects and one of them involves steel chamber and high atmospheric pressure. So, there’s lots of homework and research to be done beforehand. Personally speaking, I’m not too keen as it’s something not even attempted before by any local manufacturer. Secondly, if the project sails, I’m going to be technical supervisor which will require me to baby-sit the project before, during and after commission of the project. Shh… don’t tell my boss.
Basically my work continues till 5.30pm with no breaks in between. Sometimes till 6.30 if there’s over time. On non project days, my work basically comprise of tools fabrication using CAD/CAM software and also basic web designing for the company.
Yam & Lin Ko Fusion

Monday, May 01, 2006
Mixed-Pork Porridge (Section 17!)

I just found out that near my housing area, there's this stall that serves this awesome delicacy for breakfast. I can't believe that after so many many years, now only i've found this wonderful gem!! lolz. Opens at about 7am and it gets sold out by before 9am. Talk about good stuff!! XD They have fish porridge as well and also chicken porridge, and there usually is another stall opened next to it that serves Chee-Cheong-Fun and some other stuffs.
Review time. XD The porridge is darn SMOOOTH. oh yea baby. really a joy to eat and slurp down. It's how do you put this.. steamed and boiled to perfection. ^_^ The mixed-pork innards include fried-pork-intestines (which is always excellent and this is what defines Chi-Chap-Chuk!), steamed tendons and pork-blood-clots. They lack the pork stomachs and steamed intestines though. However, overall, the taste of the porridge is just so so good. The portion is quite small, but hey... it's for early breakfast, which is just nice. ^_^
Rusty and Existenz, got chance come we go lah. lolz. but i'm not sure what day they close though. just know that they should open almost everyday for morning only. If wanna go, we have to be there latest by 8am. ^_^ quite crazily early. XD
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Rusty's solo Sunday Drive to Endah Parade
Anyway, it appears that the journey was more exciting than the destination. The first impression was really bad. The moment I entered the basement car park where was blockade all over the place trying to force traffic into a unidirectional flow. Unidirectional flow is a big no no in car park as it tend to jam up the queue when the car in front stops and wait for someone else to exit. As I got through the ordeal in the parking lot, I was met with a ghost town. Yes, that place is quite vacant. Over all built of the place is quite big, think of it as 1 Utama new wing but only with more floors. Seven floors of shops (LG-L5). I thought I was in twilight zone as the parking was full but when I reached 3rd floor where the competition was held, rows after rows of shops was closed. After further exploring only I discovered that only lower ground till first floor was fully occupied and those are the busiest floors. It’s a shame that for such a beautiful layout, many shop lots are vacant and not properly utilized. It could be due to the rather lousy location of the shopping center since it’s just a drive away from down town KL. What really attracted my attention was a huge wooden ship inside the shopping center. Quite nice to look at, but that’s just about it. The main crowd puller is Carefour which is at the lower ground. Another thing unique about this place is there are quite a number of foot reflexology centers at that place. I’ve stopped counting at ten, and that’s just in one floor alone.
Anyway, back to the competition, as I guessed it, it’s rather small. Only two tables used with about 10 participants (food and beverages supplied). I’m not a big fan of Gundam. Sure, I do admire the figurine and model kits but I wouldn’t buy them even for display. However I’d definitely buy some MechWarrior stuff though. According to Trowa, that shop is specialized in Gundam stuff and it’s true, inside the shop, there’s loads of Gundam kits stacked till the selling, no joke man. As for anime figure, it’s rather disappointing as the collection’s small compared to what XL is offering. But, if you are looking for rare items, this is definitely the place. For the first time I’ve seed Hasbro binaltech transformers. What’s the difference with Takara? Takara binaltech is die cast metal wile Hasbro’s plastic. And the quality difference is really noticeable. If I’m good on the air brush I might consider. Although no exactly what I had in mind of a Gundam competition, still it’s a nice experience and great opportunity to test out my K750i in macro mode.
Shops closed on a Sunday

Shop where the competition was held

it wasn't even big

believe it or not, you are looking at the winning entery
1 on 1 DOTA for Dummies
First blood
The best thing about 1 on 1 is that each player automatically starts with 3.5k gold. That’s already enough to buy lots of lvl1 items but also the most important early game lvl3 item, the Daggon (Staff of wizardry 1000 + blades of attack 650 + recipe 1350 = 3000). At level 1 it can churn out bad-ass bolt of red lightning at 400 damage. That’s already enough* to take out low hp heroes like bone Fletcher, oblivion, rikimaru and even the drow ranger. (* might need to soften up the hero first).
Top 3 heroes that’s deadly with the Daggon in early game.
Goblin techies – Daggon (400) + Suicide squad, attack (650) = 1050dmg
Pugna (Oblivion) – Decrepify (+40%) + Daggon (400) = 560dmg
Zeus – Lightning bolt (100) + Daggon (400) = 500dmg
Seek and destroy
With clever use of observer wards, it’s easy to ambush and prevent ambushes. There are many blind spot and ambush points in the game so, knowing here and when to use is purely based on wisdom and experience. I would’ve provided a map if I could.
Staying in the game
The longer you stay in battles, the more experience you get (provided you are near enough when a creep dies). So, it’s always best to stock up on lesser clarity potion and flask of sapphire water to save trips from base to battlefield. Also, getting a courier chicken is advisable. Having a 1-2 level lead is important especially for spamming heroes as spells would grow stronger, thus giving an edge in the game. Attacking the opposing hero first to force him to return back to base to charge up is also an age old technique that’s still being used.
Practice practice practice
Title explains it all.
picture curtersy of
Best Claypot Chicken Rice

Firstly, what does 'NgaPohFun' stand for? XD It means claypot rice in Cantonese. Here, i'll show what i had which was claypot chicken rice. What you can find inside is usually the rice itself, baked to yummy-goodness in a claypot! Then there is the chicken itself which is usually steamed first, then placed into the claypot. Additional ingredients to add to the taste are the preserved pork sausages ('lap-cheong' in Cantonese) and some salted-fish.
Ok. That's just the desciption of it. XD The kicker is. This is BY FAR THE BEST claypot chicken rice i have tasted! =) The taste is definitely there as most claypot chicken rice places fail to give a proper taste. The only other proper contender to this PJ Old Town one is at Damansara, which has dropped their standard recently (inconsistent food quality. sometimes can be too salty. ughh.).
After mixing, this is what it turns out to be. Steamy and

But wait! That's not all. There is also a soup specialty at the place. lolz. It's chinese herbal soup with a mixture of traditional herbs and spices in it. The taste is very good, just like having a relaxing drink. Best part is the presentation of the soup! It's done in an old coconut shell, very nice and creative. However, i don't know if it helps with the taste or not, but the soup surely tastes great! XD

Saturday, April 29, 2006
Identity Theft
OMFG! Some noob in LYN thinks it’s cool to steal someone’s avatar. Picture worth more than 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 letters. The plus point is zaxiao hasn't done anything retard-ish yet. so it could be just an honnest mistake. I think i'm going to PM him regarding that issue, see if we could work something out.
News Flash
It appears to be an honnest mistake and zaxiao has changed his avatar. kudos to that fella for respecting other people's avatar ^_^
1/6 Irony
Meet John Doe no 51. A weird name for a figure, but hey, Hot Toys ain't fancy about naming their products which is so unlike Dragon or bbi. Anyway, I got John about 3-4 months ago when he was first released as a Private Military Contractor. Since I couldn't afford the whole set, I manage to get him loose without any accessories or clothes on. "Poor John".
Anyway, I was quick to give him a new job away from the desert. Maybe as a British SAS deep in the tropical rainforest of the Kalimantan Borneo region as part and partial of this vigorous training. Then something happened, I didn't have enough gear for him other than woodland BDU, SAS Tactical vest (woodland), some Kevlar, Military Boots and a silver revolver which is not even part of the British armament. I was in a dilemma, my SAS bash is not materializing.
In the end, I manage to put up some quick desert tan accessories on John to make him look like… a private military contractor with too much grenade on him. The good news is, it’s not finished yet, so maybe there’s still a chance in the future that John won’t be breathing dust in the Iraqi desert.
Chillin' @ Mid-Valley

After Rusty's exam this morning, we (with Existenz) went there and reached at about 2.45PM. Kinda hard to find parking on a busy Saturday when everyone was supposed to be on a longgg holiday since May Day is on Monday. XD
First went to the Mid-Valley Food Court.
Rusty ordered a plate of Japanese rice + chicken curry set for RM11 (includes a cup of tea, soup and salad). The amount of chicken they gave was quite a lot and it did look VERY yummy. *drool*. Forgot to take pics of the food because Rusty was so hungry already and i totally forgot about it (well, usually i take pics of my own food. that i won't forget. XD). hahahaha. I think by the time the food came, it was 3pm.. could you imagine lunch at 3pm. o.0 Me and Existenz already had lunch so we didn't take anything. Then after we wen't to order drinks at the Food Court then we thought again... for RM2 per drink (which was very small) at the Food Court, we order a large carbonated drink (for RM2.50)at McD's which was just around the corner.. and so we did! LOL.
After getting our drinks and quenching our thirsts (yes it is a darn hot day today, but luckily now at about 5PM, it's raining. yay!), Rusty had to get the USB-cables he bought replaced at a PC shop in IT-World Mid-Valley. Walk, walk.. walk.. then went there. Managed to change the cable but another one was tested ok. So kao-tim. Then duno wat to do in Mid-Valley.. There was some fashion show going on but it had finished already.
So kept on walking. Went inside a figure shop (XL-Shop) just to browse since collecting high-end figure toys is Rusty's favourite past-time hobby. Existenz wanted to get the talking-door-welcome alarm which was quite interesting. The alarm sounded 'Welcome' in Japanese when someone walked into the shop, and the alarm sounded 'Arigato Go Zai Maz (not sure how to spell this =p)' when someone walked out of the place. Quite a cool motion detector. Not sure how they do it though. And i'm also not sure why Existenz wanted to get one. Beats me...LOL
After that, wanted to go play DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) at E-Zone cafe Mid-Valley. Then Existenz said he still got work to do. Apalah... haha
- Pictures respectively sourced from and
Just for show?
Friday, April 28, 2006
Three of us will be posting here from time to time.
Crap, nonsense, and anything under the sun. You name it. XD
So, welcome to this blog.
Enjoy your stay. Muahaha. :p